Tuesday, August 6, 2024

red moon over west virginia - 7. the news

by jeremy witherington

part 7 of 36

for previous episode, click here

to begin at the beginning, click here

why don’t you show me the crossword puzzle, johnny repeated.

i don’t have to show you no stinking crossword puzzle, frankie replied. just because society recognizes you as my so-called man doesn’t mean i have to show you nothing.

my, aren’t we feeling feisty tonight, johnny sneered. no need to get all high and mighty and persnickety just because you get a polite request in all good faith and sincerity.

frankie took the pencil she had been doing the crossword with and stuck it behind her delicately molded ear, and tossed the newspaper with the crossword puzzle in it to johnny, who caught it before it landed on the bed.

hey, johnny said, you almost hit my hat. you could have knocked it on the floor.

i don’t care if your stinking hat gets knocked on the stinking floor, frankie replied hotly.

johnny opened the newspaper. well, he said, since you were nice enough to give me this newspaper, i may as well read the news.

do you not want to look at the crossword puzzle? frankie asked.

all in good time, all in good time. what do we have here -

paris talks inconclusive. well, that is not very interesting.

markets hold steady despite unrest in singapore. that is even less interresting.

and not very funny. if you don’t want to look at the crossword give me back the paper, if you please.

seven dead in shootout outside yukon, oklahoma. that is more like it. there was probably a woman involved.

give me back my paper, you bum, so i can finish my crossword puzzle.

before johnny could reply, there was a knock on the door.

who can that be? frankie asked. we were not making any noise. not to speak of.

johnny carefully folded the newspaper and put it down on the bed beside his hat, which was stlll a bit damp.


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