Friday, August 16, 2024

red moon over west virginia - 17. first day

by jeremy witherington

part 17 of 36

for previous episode, click here

to begin at the beginning, click here

joey’s whole life changed on his first day of school.

he met tony, who would become his best friend, even though they did not really like each other all that much.

and he first encountered trixie, whose fate would be so intertwined with his, although he did not suspect it at the time.

what joey did know is that he was scared. all he could do was pretend not to be scared and hope for the best.

tony took notice of joey. tony needed followers, if he was to establish himself as alpha boy of the kindergarten class.

joey looked like a good bet. he was not bad looking, did not look too goopy, but would surely follow tony’s lead in all things, hopefully without being too obvious or a suckup about it.

tony looked around for one or two more like joey.

tony’s competition was barry. barry was the biggest and strongest boy in the class.

barry’s dad was also the richest man in town, but this could be used against barry, if tony played his cards right.

the teacher had two names, ms wilcox - somrthing. she was old, even older than joey’s mom.

but where joey’s mom still looked almost like a movie star, old as she was, ms wilcox-something made joey’s flesh crawl.

but now ms wilcox-something was clapping her hands together.

this will only take a minute. people, she was imploring the children. she would always refer to her charges as “people”, never “children” or “boys and girls”.

this will only take a minute, ms wilcox-somehimg repeated. we all need to know each other’s names.

she pointed to a girl and smiled. and what is your name.

trixie, trixie replied loudly, looking ms wilcox-something straight in the eyes.


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