Monday, August 5, 2024

red moon over west virginia - 6. frankie and johnny

by jeremy witherington

part 6 of 36

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to begin at the beginning, click here

johnny walked into the room.

frankie was sitting on the floor, doing a crossword puzzle.

johnny threw his hat on the bed.

i didn’t know you had a hat, frankie said.

i didn’t know you had a bed, johnny replied.

that’s enough of that , frankie said, how did it go?

it’s not raining out. that’s why my hat is not wet. i would not have thrown my hat on your bed if it was, because i am not that kind of guy.

it’s not my bed, frankie said.

no? then whose is it? johnny asked.

king richard’s. i told him he could leave it here.

and where did he go? back to the holy land?

no, he headed for the hills, because the hellhounds are on his trail.

the hills are a good place for him. i hope he stays there,

be that as it may, frankie replied patiently. how did it go? with king john?

not good. he was not interested in what i had to say.

but you talked to him yourself? not just to harry the horse or somebody like that?

johnny looked hurt at frankie’s words. of course i talked to him myself. what do you take me for, some schmuck from schmucksville? he’s my old homeboy.

so why wasn’t your old homeboy interested in what you had to say?

he had other priorities.

oh, well that explains it.

i guess it does. do you mind if i sit down on the bed?

it is not my bed, it is king richard’s. but do not let me stop you.

johnny sat down on the bed. he was careful not to sit on top of his hat.

now what? johnny said.

i am thinking, frankie told him.

you look to me like you are doing the crossword puzzle.

you do not think i can think and do the crossword puzzle at the same time?

no, i do not. in fact, i do not think you were really even doing the crossword puzzle, i think you were just pretending.

that is a mean thing to say, said frankie.

then why don’t you show me the crossword puzzle? johnny replied.

where are we anyway? asked frankie. what are we doing here?



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