Wednesday, August 14, 2024

red moon over west virginia - 15. nine minutes

by jeremy witherington

part 15 of 36

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to begin at the beginning, click here

trixie came to a bend in the highway. she checked her phone.

she had been walking for nine minutes, it was starting to get a little chilly, and she was getting a bit sleepy.

might as well start walking back to the motel. but she was this close to the bend in the road, she thought, i may as well look around it.

because she really would like a cup of coffee and a donut or whatever.

she walked around the bend. suddenly there was a lot more grass beside the road, and what looked like thick woods behind the grass.

and she saw something. not a restaurant or cafe or 24 hour store but some kind of squished dead animal lying in the road.


she did not want to get too close to it, so she turned right around, practically pirouetting.

as she did she heard a voice behind her…

help me, said the voice.

it could not be the animal! it was totally flattened, and besides it was just an animal, a fox or a raccoon or something.

help me, it said again, but it was more like she was hearing it in her brain than with her ears,…

am i dreaming again, she wondered, like i was with the algebra test…

but it was too cold to be a dream… wasn’t it?

trixie forced herself to look behind her. after all she had been through with joey and tony and the doctor, was she going to lose her nerve now?

she looked back.

the smushed animal, or whatever it was, was gone.

of course! it was some kind of plant.

she took a deep breath and waited to hear the voice again.

but she did not.

she started to run.

she had always been a pretty good runner, and she was in good shape.

her coat was flapping around her slowing her down, and she held it closed against her body with one hand.

she did not hear anything behind her.

she could dimly make out the dark shape of the motel.

it seemed miles away.


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