Wednesday, July 31, 2024

red moon over west virginia - 2. the dream

by jeremy witherington

part 2 of 36

for previous episode, click here

to begin at the beginning, click here

johnny , how could you do this to me?

don carlos woke up.

what a strange dream!

who was the woman who had addressed him as johnny?

and what had johnny done to the poor creature that she should be so upset with him.

don carlos got up and looked out the one window of the small room.

the day was still overcast. it appeared that the rain which had seemed so imminent in the morning had not materialized, as the street outside seemed quite dry.

still puzzling over the strange dream - in which he, don carlos, the rightful heir to the imperial thrones of spain and portugal, had seemed to play the role of a common spiv or apache - he put his hat and coat on and exited the little room.

he walked slowly down the six flights of stairs, slowly twirling the ends of his scarf in his fingers.

he did not expect to see anyone on the stairs, and did not do so.

in his six days in the building, he had not seen anyone on the stairs or landings, or heard anyone in any of the rooms, and had come to the conclusion that the building was deserted, except for himself and the little woman to whom he had given a week’s rent.

which reminded him, his second week’s rent was due on the next day.

he smiled as he wondered if he could simply move into one of the other rooms, stay out of sight of the little woman, and avoid paying the rent…

a subterfuge hardly worthy of the rightful heir of the imperial thrones of spain and portugal.

reaching the street, he decided to get his cup of coffee at the cafe he had given his custom three days ago, on wednesday.

he did not wish to become too familiar a face at any one spot.

at the same time, he did not wish to wander too far afield, as this deathly silent neighborhood quite suited his purpose.


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